Project Dashboard

How to Pause a Project

You can manually pause a project by clicking on toggle. This will release the resources from the project so that you can activate other projects.

How to Accelerate a Project

You can Accelerate a project by clicking on the toggle. Accelerated projects are actively using a Graphical Processor Unit (GPU) to train a model in real time and generate suggestions and predictions. Once the project is accelerated, the lavel will change from Lauch Accelerator to Launch Accelerated Annotator.

How to Launch Video Annotator

You can launch the video annotator by clicking on the yellow button while the project is activated and acceleration is disabled. However, there is no GPU assigned so you won't get predictions and suggestions.

When the project is accelerated, you can launch the accelerated annotator by clicking on the yellow button. You will get the predictions and suggestions as the GPU is assigned.

How to Upload a video to Project

In order to view the steps to upload video to project, please refer below link.

Uploading a Video to Project

How to Archive a Project

In order to view the steps to archive a project, please refer below link.

Project Archival

How to Delete a Project

In order to view the steps to delete a project, please refer below link.

Project Deletion

How to Rename a category

In order to view the steps to rename a category, please refer below link.

How to Delete a category

In order to view the steps to delete a category, please refer below link.

How to run a Jupyter notebook template

In order to view the steps to run Jupyter notebook, please refer below link.

How to run a template

How to change Color of category

In order to view the steps to change color of category, please refer below link.

How to change Project Thumbnail

In order to view the steps to change project thumbnail, please refer below link.

Changing Project Thumbnails

How to load Multiple videos file

In order to view the steps to load multiple videos, please refer below link.

Combining Multiple Video files

Last updated