Annotation Explorer

How to QA Annotations

In order to view the steps to QA annotations, please refer below link.

Review Annotations

How to create Notes

In order to view the steps to create notes, please refer below link.

Creating Notes

How to update Notes

In order to view the steps to update notes, please refer below link.

Updating Notes

How to delete Notes

In order to view the steps to delete notes, please refer below link.

Deleting Notes

How to filter Notes

In order to view the steps to filter notes, please refer below link.

Filtering Notes

How to create Exemplars

In order to view the steps to create exemplars, please refer below link.

Creating Exemplars

How to delete Exemplars

In order to view the steps to delete exemplars, please refer below link.

Deleting Exemplars

How to filter Exemplars

In order to view the steps to filter exemplars, please refer below link.

Filtering Exemplars

How to create Flagged Annotations

In order to view the steps to flag the annotations, please refer below link.

Creating Flagged Annotation

How to delete Flagged Annotations

In order to view the steps to delete the flagged annotations, please refer below link.

Deleting Flagged Annotation

How to filter Flagged Annotations

In order to view the steps to filter the flagged annotations, please refer below link.

Filtering Flagged Annotation

How to edit the Annotations

In order to view the steps to edit the annotations, please refer below link.

Edit the Annotations

How to filter Annotations per category

In order to view the steps to filter the annotations per category, please refer below link.

Filtering Annotations per Category

Last updated